Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Chord Progression

My chord progression was finally played in class last week. It was well received and the comments from my fellow classmates were greatly appreciated. After hearing the series of thirteen chords there was a general consensus that there was a lack of low tension chords. Many of them had comparable levels of intensity, and people had differing opinions on which chord they heard as the "highest" point of the progression. Because of this the chords were played for the class twice, to see if a second listening made a difference. It was suggested that I considered going back and revising in an attempt to create low tension chords. After reviewing the chords I opted not to change anything, I loved the chords that I originally came up with and felt that I could use them effectively within the following character pieces I was to compose.

I'm looking forward to putting these chords to good use.


Monday, September 15, 2008

First Thoughts

I can understand the hesitancy of many students when confronted with atonal music. When one is not continually subjected to this type of music and lives in a tonal environment, it would be normal to doubt the reasons behind this particular assignment. I admit that i've always been interested in 20th century music and the exploration of atonality, unlike some of my fellow students. Many would assume that an original liking of this music would make this project easier, but that wouldn't be an accurate assumption. As I have grown musically within a mainly tonal environment I am still hesitant and anxious about diving into this new compositional frame of mind. I honestly appreciate this push, and cannot wait to delve even further!

Monday, September 8, 2008



I'm totally new to blogging and have only limited experience in composing, but i can't wait to get started!